Customer Testimonials

Humphrey & Flora L.

"The designs and the coloring are excellent..."

"We have moved in almost two month now, and we really like this house. The designs and the coloring are excellent. Thanks for doing such a good job." - Humphrey & Flora L.

Adam & Mindy B.

"They'd remodeled and expanded the home with great thoughtfulness, care and attention to detail(s), not to mention to-quality materials. It was the home we'd always wanted..."

"We went to a lot of open houses -- a LOT. New houses, old houses, remodeled houses. And after every one of them, we'd come out, look at each other, and ask, 'Okay, what were your red flags?' And we'd each have a bunch of them. But when we visited the J3RED house we'd eventually end up purchasing, we walked out, looked at each other...and had no red flags. They'd remodeled and expanded the home with great thoughtfulness, care and attention to detail(s), not to mention top-quality materials. It was the home we'd always wanted...just as we'd always wanted it!" - Adam & Mindy B.